3:30 Registration
4:00 Introductions
4:15 Reinventing the Commercial Corridor – Randall G. Arendt
Lecture followed by Q & A
The presentation includes a one hour lecture illustrating progressive approaches that emphasize various redevelopment design strategies to create mixed-use centers from existing highway strips. The workshop will also help communities implement smarter, more sustainable development patterns, and includes ideas for improving economic viability and attractiveness.
5:30 Dinner (included in registration fee)
6:00 Design Exercise: Commercial Redevelopment
Introduction of the site, facilitated working groups, presentations
A design exercise will follow providing attendees with an opportunity to retrofit an existing section of a degraded commercial highway strip center. Using aerial enlargements of an existing commercial strip center in the South Mountain landscape, participants will mark up the base map to illustrate how the improvements described in the presentation could be implemented.
7:30-8:00 Closing remarks and adjourn